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ADHD and Giftedness
Lee, Jiyeon
Mental Health
This book is based on the author's experience with ADHD and giftedness, as well as his research and opinions on books about giftedness.While ADHD may be different and unusual from the average person, giftedness is a brain structure that differentiates between the normal and the abnormal, the genius and the gifted, the semi-gifted and the gifted.I'm talking about being a gifted person who has different capabilities and values than others.This is an essay based on my experience of what kind of life an ADHD person should live, what kind of work they should do, and what kind of people they should meet given this giftedness.I think it will help people with ADHD get out of a bad life and into a better one..Check it out. ADHD and Highly GiftedI asked my specialist if I was a prodigy. The teacher said I was beyond that. I was curious if I could be a genius, so I looked up some books. There are two types of prodigies. One type has enhanced senses, emotions, and intelligence, which makes them adapt well to society and meet society's demands. This type of person appears to be ordinary, but their abilities are strongly manifested, and they have a cheerful personality, quick judgment, and great achievements while getting along well with others in society. That's the type I envy. The other type is what they call "real" gifted or highly gifted. Their senses are overly sensitive, and they are emotionally fragile, easily hurt, and have a low threshold. Of course, they are also highly intelligent. These individuals have an intuitive sense that allows them to know things immediately, but people often question them or ridicule them for it. The problem is that their right brain is so developed that they can understand things before they can explain them, so communication can be difficult. These gifted individuals have a tough road ahead of them. There are various spectrums, and some are even close to autism, but luckily, some are able to adapt well to school and excel academically. They think about everything from one to ten at once, and their thought processes are incredibly broad. Even the simple act of discarding a hairpin can be overwhelming, as they wonder if it will cause environmental pollution. Therefore, organizing their thoughts can be difficult, as they have to consider everything. They have overly sensitive senses and emotions, which can cause conflict with others, and their high intelligence leads them to ask a lot of questions, which parents may find overwhelming. My stepmother usually controlled me by hitting me. The most common thing she would say to me was, "Why are you like this? Why do you say strange things?" However, my stepmother only had a junior high school education and didn't know much, so that was probably her only way of dealing with my strange behavior. I realized that I belong to the latter group, the painful world of highly gifted individuals. And I understand now why I was so different from others, why I couldn't fit in with my peers, why I said things that seemed bizarre to others, and why I seem to grasp things that others don't. Some people argue that being highly gifted is different from having ADHD, but from my perspective, it seems like two different expressions of the same phenomenon. In any case, whether I am a highly gifted individual or someone with ADHD, it still presents challenges and difficulties in my life. I have to take medication and minimize my contact with others.
Jiyeon Lee
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