Cover image for A Parent's Guide To Autism - What Every Parent Needs To Understand About Autism
A Parent's Guide To Autism - What Every Parent Needs To Understand About Autism
Cross, Gene
Family & Relationships
Autism Spectrum Disorders
What Every Parent Needs To Understand About Autism Do you have an autistic child or do you know someone who does? Do you understand an autistic person's special needs? It can be difficult to grasp that an autistic child is stuck within themselves, unable to speak or interact socially with others. While there is no known cause or cure for autism, it can be treated, and depending on the severity, many adult autistic people can live a rich and meaningful life. Autism is a mystery to the majority of people. Autism cases have increased by 172 percent in the last 20 years. This year, 90 people out of every 10,000 babies will be diagnosed with autism. Where did this strange disorder originate, and why is it impacting an increasing number of our children each year? Parents and doctors have been debating this subject for decades, with only a few aspects ironed out. How do you teach a child that is autistic? How do parents manage to raise an autistic child for a lifetime? Most people will not have a thorough grasp of autism and how it impacts the child if they search a thousand websites and read hundreds of books... In this book you will learn:The true definition and characteristics of autism.The symptoms of autism and the degree of severityThe latest research that gives hope for the discovery of the cause of autismDifferent educational ideas for the autistic childAn in depth study of the communication and social skill problems of the autisticMyths and misinformation about autism is exposedResources on where to get support for the parents of autistic childrenTreatment and diagnoses methods are explainedA full explanation about the difference between Asperger's syndrome and autismHow to deal with symptoms like fixation and lack of eye contactAnd a lot more!
Royce Publishing
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