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Overcoming Trauma on the Frontlines
M.b.a, Sue
Mental Health
Sue grew up in Northern Ireland during the "Troubles", From an early stage in life, she went through many traumas, as she grew up there was a lot of abuse and lived through the years of terrorism in Northern Ireland brought its struggles. As a child she came close to death on two separate occasions having been caught up in bomb attacks. As an adult, after training to be a fitness instructor and managing a gym, Sue joined the Ambulance Service and trained as a Paramedic in Birmingham, England. She also worked as a police officer in a dangerous part of the UK. During that time, she was diagnosed with CPTSD (Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).In February 2005 Sue's best friend and frequent partner in the police killed herself. Added to that Sue also lost her mum very suddenly, aged 54 just 6 months later.In 2009 she fell off a ladder and is mostly bedridden due to her neck compression. She has learned, through all her experiences, to look for any good that came of them that way she can be thankful and grateful. It led to her creating the Carlisle Support Network (CSN). CSN is an international support system that helps people globally to navigate their journey through life. As Sue says, "For years I kept it all to myself, so much trauma both personal and professional. It compounded into CPTSD… as soon as I started to really share my thoughts and experiences, I started to heal. I also found that it helped others to open up too, they'd experienced something similar and they felt less alone… I started to learn from them, and they learned from me". This describes Sue's journey as she healed from CPTSD and it's her hope that you get help before making the same mistakes that she did that impacted her life greatly.
Sue M
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